Telangana Bhojanam now takes over Hyderabad!Previously those who are in Hyderabad used to see a mess or hotel in every street which says ‘Andhra Bhojanam’ is served. This is for the numerous settlers and floating traffic that come to the city from Andhra side every day.

Later Rayalaseema Bhojanam also made its advent to Hyderabad and there are quite some restuarants servinv Rayalaseema delicacies. However after the state division, Telangana Bhojanam took over completely.

Numerous hotels and messes have cropped up with Telangana names and many serving Telangana native foods. Even those from Andhra are lining up to taste these delicacies for the variety food they offer. In many areas, they are in good demand that those serving Andhra food.