Hyderabad kids internet additction

A Private study has revealed shocking facts about the increasing Internet addiction in children of Hyderabad. It is revealed that children even before the age of 8 have at least 3 profiles of social networking sites, uses multiple e-mail ids, knows the latest games on the market. This does not end there. They slowly become addicted that they always try to cheat their parents to spend the extra hour before their PC. Many of such children end up not even talking to their parents, siblings and when they talk mostly it is about the games and gadgets.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not have any standard treatment for this Internet addiction but psychiatrists in the city getting at least 2-3 patients suffering from this problem every week. These children lose their interest in food, physical activity and socializing which will affect them both mentally and physically as they grow. Doctors say it can be treated with a few counseling sessions and medication.