visa-indiaIndian origin Americans are said to be America’s best-educated and wealthiest ethnic group. A report from the US Census Bureau this week reveals that the median household income for Indian-Americans is now above the $100,000 per annum milestone, the highest for any ethnic group, including white, native-born Americans.

In fact, this rare feat was achieved way back in 2013 but the report was kept under wraps. On Friday, the US Census Bureau put it out as part of the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month which is celebrated in May. The median income of households headed by the Asian population in 2013 was $72,472, much higher then than national median income of around $51,000.

To be more specific, Indian-Americans racked it up at $100,547, almost double the national median income while Pakistani-Americans ($63,000) and Bangladeshi-Americans ($51,000) are also doing good job. The same report say the median income of Black-American households was $33,321 and that of Hispanic households was $39,005.