After going through the process of screening by the Censor Board of Film Certification, GAV was awarded U/A certificate suggesting a few cuts here and there. Especially being a film with village background, oxen and other animals appear in some scenes and hence the film has to get a No Objection Certificate from Animal welfare Board of India (AWBI) or else delete those visuals using the animals.

Other cuts suggested mainly focus on the double meaning cuss words used commonly in rural areas. Kajal’s extreme exposing scenes, mainly back nude visuals in the song sequences have suffered censor cut. One more interesting cut throws light on Srikanth’s character with negative shades. In one of the scenes, Srikanth drags in Chitra trying to rape her and the back nude visuals have also undergone censor cut.

Besides the above said cuts, alcohol consumption scenes and smoking visuals need to have statutory warning display on the screen. With all this main cuts and suggestions, GAV turned out to be almost a clean entertainer with unrestricted public Exhibition-But With Public Guidance (U/A).